
The structure, membership rules, and action guidelines are stated in the Constitution (Standing Orders) and the Compliance Rules. The IHGC has its working bodies – stated below with their chairpersons:

The Executive Committee directs activities to plan and convene meetings, draft resolutions, manage membership, and interpret the Constitution. Its key persons are the President IHGC Leslie A. Roy (US), the Vice-presidents IHGC Bernard Ingwiller (FR), Adi Schapfl (DE), Pascal Piroué (DE) and Zdeněk Rosa (CZ).

The Economic Commission collects and reports market statistics of hop supply and weather data in member countries as well as debates hop market trends – chaired by Zdeněk Rosa (CZ).

The Scientific-Technical Commission promotes research and technical results related to breeding, production, plant protection, processing, and quality of hops as a brewing raw material – chaired by Dr. Florian Weihrauch (DE).

The Commission on Regulatory Harmonization links the US Hop Industry Plant Protection Committee and the EU Commodity Expert Group for Hops – chaired by Maggie Elliot (US) and Dr. Erich Lehmair (DE).

The General Assembly illustrates biannual activities and performs key measures to achieve the aims of the IHGC.

Documents IHGC | Constitution | Compliance Rules | Acreage and Production | Hop Variety List 2024 | Growing Area Codes | Order of the Hop | Past Congresses | Presidents, Vice-presidents |

Statements IHGC | 2024b-2 | 2024b-1 | 2024a | 202220212020 | 2018b | 2018a2017 | 2016 | 20081997 |